The newest feature of the Almost Thirty blog will be a weekly post titled “Seen & Heard”. In these weekly posts, I will use candid photos to tell a story, each with a different theme.
This week, I want to acknowledge my family’s exciting/awesome growth! It can be easy to overlook the small milestones and achievements that make up our daily lives. But later, we’ll be sad we missed them! So I’d like to highlight a few of mine:
From Kailah getting to wear her hair “big-girl-straight” for the first time…

… to Makenzie finally letting Mommy do her hair at all – it’s been a week full of fun firsts!

This week also brought a proud accmplishment for me: after months of (VERY) hard work and persistence, I am ONE MEASLY POUND away from my wedding goal weight!!! I still have plenty more weight goals for after the wedding, but I am certainly proud to have reached this one (and right on time)!

And last but not least — Kailah is officially over her fears, and learning to swim!

It is such a blessing to have a family, and to watch/encourage their personal growth – which subsequently encourages our growth as a family! As parents, we must always remember that our children are individuals, and so we must cultivate their individual dreams, desires, strengths, challenges, etc.
The job is never done, and constantly evolving.
But it’s also the best job you’ll ever have.